LokaLocal provides travellers with honest and authentic experiences, created by locals who support local culture and empower communities. For example, go on a bike tour with Elena, who will show you quaint gems like Kampung Bahru (pictured), right in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.
Tours empowering locals, by locals
LokaLocal seeks out small businesses, sunset industries, sustainable programmes and passionate local guides to offer experiences, so they benefit directly when connected to travellers. When you book a tour on LokaLocal, you give local experts a chance to share their culture and earn from it too.
Read our Weekend of Good guide to Kuala Lumpur and Penang for more travel tips and ideas in Malaysia.
Check out Bike with Elena in Kuala Lumpur - one of the experiences offered on LokaLocal - and read about its founder Elena Mei Yun.
Traveller's Notes
The enterprise customises tours for its travellers. Let them know if you have specific requirements, or are keen on certain activities or sights.
Their tours and activities range from cultural immersion, food tours to heritage sights. Regardless of your stamina and taste for adventure, you’ll be sure to find something you like.